Grilled Grass Fed Sirloin Steak with Red Wine & Gorgonzola by Admin | Oct 18, 2020Grilled Grass Fed Sirloin Steak with Red Wine & Gorgonzola $28.90 (Free range, no hormone, & never grains finished) Served with mix vegetable & roasted...
Chicken or Veal Caprese by Antonio | Oct 18, 2020Chicken or Veal Caprese Chicken $23.75 Veal $25.75 Breaded and topped with arugula, fresh mozzarella, tomato, artichoke, avocado-side potato...
Chicken or Veal Parmigiana by Antonio | Nov 18, 2018Chicken or Veal Parmigiana Chicken $23.75 Veal $25.75 with homemade rigatoni tomato and basil...